Monday, February 28, 2011

Sate Babi Manis

The merriage of Balinese Spice Paste with Javanese kecap manis . Not bad combination.

preparation time : 45 - 60 minutes
cooking time : 10 - 15 minutes
serves : 5 - 8 people

800 grams lean pork, diced
200 grams pork meat with fat, diced
20 pcs skewers/satays sticks

paste for marinade
5 pcs garlic, chopped
1 pcs onion, large, chopped
5 pcs candlenuts, roasted and chopped
3 tbs salt
2 tbs pepper, ground
3 tbs chilli, dried, crushed
3 tbs coriander, powder
2 tbs cumin, powder
2 tbs ginger, powder
2 tbs turmeric, powder
3 tbs palm sugar, minced
5 pcs lime leaves, chopped
3 tbs oils

Place all inggredients in a bowls, mix well.
Covered and leave it for at least 30 minutes in chiller.
Using bamboo skewers, skewing the meat one by one until the skewer is 2/3 full.
Place the satays on top of the flame grill, basting the satays with mix of kecap manis and oil while grilling. Continue to cook until all satays meat are well done.
Serve it with steamed rice, cucumber pickles and sambal kecap.

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