Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sambal Kambing

Tahu Gejrot Pedas

Bamboo Shoot Spring Roll (Lumpia Semarang)

Lumpia Semarang is a hawker street food dish which is originally come from Semarang, a capital city of Central Java province. It can also be found in other cities' hawker street stalls or in food courts around Indonesia.

Lumpia term derived from Lunpia or popiah, a chinese pastry from Fujian, China. Lumpia originally made by Chinese immigrant who migrated to Indonesia. This dish was quickly accepted by locals and modified using Indonesian's local ingredients.

Lumpia has a different filling compared to Lunpia or popiah. This Indonesian's version of Lunpia has some young bamboo shoots filing whilst Lunpia has bean sprouts, scrambled eggs, or turnip filling as a main ingredients. The Indonesian version of Lumpia are also have 2 variety of Lumpia: the wet one with white colour (the original wrapper colour is white and this is the steamed version of Lumpia) and the crunchy deep fried Lumpia with golden colour.

Biting into this crunchy deep fried golden pastry and you will find sweetness of finely shredded young bamboo shoots then soon these small salty dried shrimps will find out its way into your taste buds. This spring rolls has a main ingredient of young bamboo shoots and shrimps, mixed with these garlic, leek and some bean sprouts then cooked with sweet soy bean sauce. Its accompanying tauco sauce is also famously sweet with a bit tangy of garlicky taste.

Bamboo Shoot Spring Rolls (Recipe From : Rudy Hadiwidjojo)

Ingredients :

Bamboo shoot (rebung) 1 kg
Carrot (wortel) 250 gr
Bean sprouts (kecambah/tauge) 200 gr
Leek (Bawang prei) 100 gr
Shrimps (ebi) 250 gr
Garlic (bawang putih) 50 gr
Vegetable oil (minyak goreng)
Sweet soy sauce (Kecap Manis)
Oyster sauce (sauce tiram)
Salt (garam)
Pepper (merica)
Imported lumpia’s skin wrapper (Kulit Lumpia impor) – this is a thin wrapper

(not yet to be translated)
Method of cooking
1. Slice these young bamboo shoot, then boil the bamboo shoots in a boiled water with a pinch of salt until cooked. Let it cool before slicing it.
2. Slice these cooled young bamboo shoots to make finely shredded slices (julienne slices) as thick as match sticks.
3. Slice carrots to make julienne slices like a long match stick.
4. Slice these leeks to make 1 cm long.
5. Kupas kulit udang dan potong kecil2
6. Cincang halus garlic (bawang putih)
7. Tumis bawang putih samapai wangi setelah itu baru masukkan udang, dan tunggu sampai udang matang.
8.Setelah udangnya matang lalu masukkan carrot, dan tumis sampai layu.
9. Sesudah itu masukan kecambah dan tunggu sampai layu lalu masukkan rebung, dan aduk sampai merata
10. Tambahkan bumbu, kecap manis, sauce tiram, garam dan merica, setelah rasanya sesuai dengan selera baru masukkan bawang pre dan tumis sampai layu.
11. Masukkan sayuran yang sudah jadi kedalam kulit lumpi, dan lipat dan gulung.
12. Sesudah itu deep fry (goreng) lumpia dengan minyak panas samapi berwaran Golden brown (kuning keeemasan)
13. Lumpia siap dihidangkan

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Balinese boiled seafood rice